Interview with The Heal Good Collective

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Sharing a recent interview I did with The Heal Good Collective where I speak more about my own healing journey, working with meditation and sound therapy, and how I keep myself centered as a mom. Thankful for being a part of the @healgoodcollective community and corporate wellness team and I definitely recommend checking out their monthly wellness events and free Friday Nightcap sessions on IG live exploring different healing practices.


Brenda’s healing journey began with meditation and sound therapy, and an unshakable commitment in trusting herself. Through these combined practices, she began to feel more fulfilled and started guiding people to connect with the present moment and feel more at home in themselves.

We caught up with Brenda to learn more about her self-healing journey, and how she keeps herself centered as a busy mom and entrepreneur.

Healer Name ( = street you grew up on + birthstone): 

Avenue B Diamond

Healing Specialty: 

Intuitive Sound and Energy Therapy

What was your first experience with self-healing?

It was when I decided to do something new for myself. I had never tried yoga or meditation because I had this idea of what health and wellness was and it was working out or taking bootcamp, not healing. Being in my early twenties and navigating a fast-paced life in New York City, I realized I was burnt out. I wanted something more and I didn’t know what that was. I found Savasana Station, a yoga studio in the East Village, and it was the first studio that promoted self-care and what to do when you’re tired. This was my first intro to slowing down, which led me to meditation, and shedding light on actions and traumas of my past that started the ongoing healing journey I’m still on.

You lead sound therapy and meditation. What powerful affects have these practices had on your life? 

The biggest thing is remembering. Remembering the basics of who we are and our own inherent wisdom and trust. Self-love and compassion have always been a struggle for me, and the biggest thing I’ve cultivated is trust within myself. Sound penetrates to the core of our soul and touches us on a multidimensional level. Even when I’m unsure of something or question myself, I have this knowing based off these practices. Meditation helps funnel my mind so I can be more present. Pairing sound and meditation is such a powerful way to drop into the now. These practices have given me an opportunity not to just heal my own wounds, but offer new perspectives in my life. Fear still comes up, but I’m able to navigate it in a more joyful, curious way.

What part of your soul work makes you feel most fulfilled and why?

The connection I feel with all conscious beings. I know we’re all connected, so there’s a camaraderie, like we need to take care of each other. I know how much these practices have helped me, so I want people to find tools to connect to the present moment and feel more at home in themselves.

If you could acquire any healing superpower what would it be? 

I’d love to interact with my spirit guides, in an official way, like teleport through dimensional time travel into that realm, and communicate with these conscious beings surrounding us.

If you could offer any advice to the version of yourself first stepping into a new identity as healer, what would you say? 

It’s the same advice I tell myself everyday: be patient and trust yourself more. I also want to say, I love you. That’s something you don’t think about saying to yourself because it sounds so silly. I’d say, it’s all going to be ok and you always have yourself to go back home to. Wherever you are now, it’s where you’re meant to be. You can start at any time. You don’t need to rewind or fast forward. You’ll get there.

As a mother and healer, do you have any self-care practices that keep you centered?

Carving out a few minutes of doing something nourishing for myself every day — it helps to reground when you have resentment or guilt, or you’re exhausted. Ten minutes of movement, or going outside in nature, by myself, with no screaming babies, all alone, feels like a reset. Then, I can be as present as possible to find the joy in what I’m doing.

What’s one truth you’d like to say out loud to the collective?

Living in Italy now, my favorite time of day is breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Before bed, I dream about the morning coffee and eating chocolate.

Brenda Hung